Why nursing?
Enrich the healthcare system in ways beyond
Did you know?
Canada will be short almost 60,000 Registered Nurses by 2022?
We need to do something!
We need to do something!
Attacking the very core of our health care system, the nursing shortage is a problem that affects all Canadians.
A report by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation sums up the issue with this statement: “If nurses continue to perceive that their jobs are not improving, they will continue to walk away, leaving remaining colleagues in ever-deteriorating conditions. It will be Canadian men, women and children who pay the biggest price.”

At Roasters Foundation, we recognize the need to address the growing shortage of qualified nursing staff in Canada. Our objective is to provide an innovative program that will create new incentives for this important body of professionals, encouraging them to continue their careers in this country.
When nurses are satisfied with their work, challenged by it and recognized for it, they stick with it. And high job satisfaction translates into enhanced quality of care and more successful results, too. What could be better for such a valuable workforce?