Pathways to education
Reducing high-school dropout rates and increasing enrolment in higher education
Key Partnerships:
Roasters Foundation + educational institutions + community organizations + parents + government + private corporations + family foundations
Working together to build a graduation nation
Passeport pour ma réussite Canada™ is a charitable organization that helps youth in low-income communities graduate from high school and successfully transition into post-secondary education or training. Pathways removes systemic barriers to education by providing leadership, expertise and a community-based program proven to lower dropout rates. Today, Pathways operates in eleven communities across Canada with programs in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Manitoba.

Pathways to Education’s core program provides a comprehensive set of academic, social and financial supports to youth. Working alongside the school system, and through a force of volunteers, the program delivers after-school tutoring, mentoring and financial assistance to overcome the barriers that can stand in the way of education. The results of this unique program have been ground-breaking, reducing high school dropout rates by more than 70% and increasing the number of youth going on to college or university by over 300%.
At Roasters Foundation, we greatly value the innovative and effective approach Pathways to Education takes to address key social and economic problems. That is why we knew it would be a perfect fit into the arsenal of services offered at Toujours ensemble. Recognizing the shared goal of combating high school drop out and reducing poverty, the two organizations formed a partnership. In 2007, the Verdun program was launched under its French designation, Passeport pour ma Reussite, and Toujours ensemble became the first organization in Quebec to reproduce this model from Toronto. Since then, over 300 young people in Quebec have been part of the program.

The program is gaining momentum…
Rapport du groupe d'action sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires au Québec
Pathways to Education was identified as model for success in a taskforce convened in 2009 by Jacques Menard, president of BMO. The group, working in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, pointed to Pathways’ strong potential to serve as a model for organizations throughout Quebec, especially those located in economically disadvantaged, urban areas.
Rio Tinto Alcan Invest $13 million in Pathways to education's graduation nation initiative
On February 18th, 2011 Rio Tinto Alcan announced a $13 million investment over five years (2011-2016) in Pathways to Education Canada that will support the significant expansion of the program in the province of Quebec. Pathways will use this generous contribution to add three new sites and a regional office in Quebec. A leadership council will also be established to help generate awareness and support in the province. With this donation, Pathways will now be able to help thousands of Quebec students graduate from high school and successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Federal government Invest $20 million in Pathways to education helping make Canada a graduation nation
On March 3rd, 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, alongside The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, and Senator Don Meredith, announced a $20 million investment over four years in Pathways to Education Canada.